Power Words

Velocity — rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed with direction

A cheetah bolting across the desert floor, ultimately catching a delicious antelope.  The relentless Shelby GT in Gone In 60 Seconds when it guns across the dry waterway culverts at 200 mph, losing the police chopper.  “Velocity” packs huge forward motion with no hesitation.  A speeding train.  The motion that got me a ticket Sunday morning…

Metamorphosis — any complete change in appearance, character, or circumstances; transformation

The monarch butterfly’s shift from a slimy worm into a beautiful translucent-winged creature; that ever-so-careful rate of transition.  A makeup artist using a woman with age spots, wrinkles, and dark circles, layering all the right cosmetics to make a real and beautiful woman emerge with her “best face” on.  The biblical persecutor “Saul” converting to the evangelist champion “Paul” after encountering God’s voice.

Benediction — a form of blessing; a ceremony of sacred proportions

In the last minutes of Handel’s “Messiah” when the presence of God lifts the audience to their feet in reverence to applaud the orchestra and the sheer majesty of the atmosphere.  Silent joyous outbreak and eruption of happiness when a bride comes on the arm of her father.  A storied patriarch’s last words during the last rites.  Grace spoken over the dinner table on a Christmas Day.

Vibrance = pulsating with vigor and energy; moving to and fro rapidly

The influence of inner and outer determination and purpose-minded goals being accomplished.  The rhythms of blood coursing through one’s veins, and knowing you’re alive and valued.  Ambition that shines from the inside out.  Healthy hair and a laughing child spinning on the lawn.

Vitality = a state of being; STRONG and ACTIVE

Implementing/training what tools/skills are given a human being … such as physical endurance and weightlifting.  The ability to keep a pace and complete something with excellence.  Heart vigor and health creating extraordinary colors in a face and eyes.  Powerful presence in a room at the beginning of a morning upon waking.

Freedom = personal liberty; exemption from external control, interference, or regulation

Knowledge that there is no bondage; conscious thankfulness and a state of relishing the right to make a choice.  Possession of confidence in life direction while leaving regrets behind forever!  Freedom is the ability to worship God without fear of death.  It’s also a mindset of praising during difficult circumstances; the more praise, the more freedom even in affliction; and the more affliction, the more glorious the deliverance.

Unravished = filled with strong emotion, especially joy

The word uttered by a young American missionary pilot in Ecuador to the woman he would soon call his bride; he had her “now unravished”.  Overcome with fulfillment, pride and rest inside a perfect plan.  Having no control over nature’s course within a relationship.

Drive = compelled to succeed or excel

Straight-line focus with a purpose of going over and beyond whatever requirements are at stake.  The act of locking into a mental jail until the time is right to break into the open.  Impartation of a powerful message without worry of what the audience would think of the speaker personally.  An inward weight and responsibility to perform, or an unleashing of passionate effort toward specific directions.

Ecstasy = overpowering emotion or exaltation; rapture

Supernatural bonds between two lovers, on the mental, physical, emotional, and psychological levels.  A twisted fabrication of trippy feelings and colors.  Uncontrollable happiness of answered prayers.  Children’s smiles when they stop playing long enough to have a popsicle in midsummer heat.

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